The needs and concerns of patients have changed: Many turn to complementary medicine when conservative therapies and treatments do not have the desired effect. Many try to avoid taking pills and medication regularly, and some of the contemporary mood disorders and chronic illnesses cannot be adequately treated with conventional medical methods. The call for alternative medical treatments is getting louder. Doctors are also being approached more and more frequently by their patients.
For these and other reasons, bioresonance is a booming method in the healthcare market. This has also been recognized by private insurance companies, many of which have been paying for bioresonance therapy for several years. Bioresonance therapy has been available for prescription and recognized as a method in Austria since 2016. Their effect in relation to the treatment of allergies was confirmed in a court judgment 2015 in Munich. It is a holistic therapy - and the trend is clearly towards holism: In this context, the German Future Institute speaks of "Healthyness"- "the search for strength and vital energy"
For these reasons we developed Holosan® Professional: a therapy device for the doctor's office.The big advantage for doctors? They can offer their patients an alternative method of treatment if conservative therapies are ineffective or if there is no satisfactory conventional medical treatment option for the respective clinical picture.
However, Holosan® Professional is not a diagnostic device - the diagnosis, as usual, is made by the doctor. Only the therapy runs through the device. And that is also the second major advantage: The device is so easy to use that the assistants can take care of it. There is almost no additional work for doctors. You don't even have to be there.